Could you become a games developer?

For many young people, the idea that they could spend their days playing games and be paid for it would seem to be the ideal job but how do you get into the role of a games developer?

An excellent understanding of the technology behind game development is an obvious requisite for the role along with an interest in pushing this technology further. Although IT is taught in school it is not until the later years of a pupil’s secondary education that they get the opportunity to learn programming languages and some of the more complex areas of computer science.

Studying computer science at degree level is when the learning will really begin and there will probably be the opportunity to start designing and building games which will be invaluable experience and will add to a portfolio of your accomplishments.

Getting into the field of game development is challenging so it is vital that you are the best that you can be and are willing to work hard. Don’t forget that if you cannot find a role in a large company you could still work on designing a game yourself and then find a backer to take your design forward into development.

Game console parties are the next new trend

When planning your kid’s birthday parties everyone tended to opt for the old stables like soft play parties or Cinema then food out, however there’s a new type of party that’s becoming increasingly popular and that is gameplay parties.

These types of parties are usually VR parties where you choose a selection of friends, and you all play together in a virtual reality game. Most parties are aimed at groups of players either taking it in turns to play one game or all playing together in a multiroom experience.

You are usually given a dedicated party room with food and drinks of your choice and a fun atmosphere suitable for all levels of gamers whether you’re a noob or a pro!

The multi-player games are often referred to as free-roam games and in these you can battle zombies or monsters or even battle each other. There’s usually a limit of about 4 people to play these as you have to be able to have enough space to move without actually crashing into each other.

Another option is VR motion games, these tend to be car or motorbike racing where a number of you can race each other either head-to-head or in time trials if there is more of you.

These VR parties are great fun and a change from the norm so are a great option for your next birthday treat.

Should you buy the premium version of PlayStation or Xbox games

Many games that you can buy for consoles have different versions such as standard, gold and even ultimate or deluxe editions . These editions usually include extras such as additional weapons, levels or coins to purchase things with. Often these special edition games cost more than the standard version, so you need to check whether it is worth paying the extra and if you are actually going to use the additional features that it comes with. You should always shop around to find the best price and sometimes you may actually find that the special edition version is cheaper than the standard if it is on special offer.  

Buying second hand games can also help cut down on the amount of money you have to spend but again always check the prices new as sometimes you may be surprised to find it at a cheaper price. If you are someone that completes computer games quite quickly then you many want to consider renting them. This can allow you to play the game for a fraction of a cost and therefore gives you the option to play more games. Some games rental sites allow you to sign up to a subscription where you pay at set amount of money each month.