Generating Money through Blog Posts on WordPress – The Money Motivator Series (PC Gaming Related)

If money is a motivator, I’ll put it into perspective. We generate approximately 30,000 page views per month. It’s going up slowly, which is definitely the way we want to go, but in my eyes it’s taking too long.

Advertising is the way these big sites earn the big bucks. No it really is. Advertisers pay sites per 1000 impressions they receive for displaying their advert. NOTE: Impressions are not clicks. They are the amount of times that advert has been viewed on a page.

Let’s say it was £1 per CPM (Cost Per Mile = 1000 Impressions), that would equate to £30 per month of course, for us. Now try 3,000,000 (3 Million) impressions per month. That’s £3,000 per month, just from ad revenue (and that’s on a really poor paying network!). Some ad networks pay up to £8 per CPM. Imagine that? That’s £24,000 per month generated in just advertising revenues. There’s money to be had in this industry, but it’s vitally important we find the best possible route.